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姓  名: 于 丽

职  称:教授、博士生导师



电  话:0531-88364807

传  真:0531-88564750



2015.12016.1    美国犹他大学             国家公派访问学者

2009.12~至今     红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs   教授

2004.11~2009.12  红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs   副教授

2002.10~2004.11  红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs   讲师

2007.7~2010.10   胜利石油管理局           二站博士后

2002.10~2004.10  红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室   一站博士后

1999.9~2002.7    浙江大学化学系           理学博士

1996.91999.7    曲阜师范大学化学系       理学硕士









担任Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Langmuir,J. Phys. Chem. B,J. Colloid Interface Sci.,Soft Mater.,Talanta,ChemPhysChem,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,RSC Adv., Sensors & Actuators: B,Journal of Biotechnology,Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials,Colloid and Surface A(B),Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data,Materials Letters,Process Biochemistry,Spectrochemical Acta A,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,Colloid and polymer science等国际著名学术期刊以及《化学学报》、《物理化学学报》等国内重要学术期刊的审稿人。




1. 基于离子液体结构的无卤素表面活性剂在水溶液中的聚集行为(21373128),国家自然科学基金(2014-2017

2. 新型微米尺度深部调剖堵水剂的研发及其应用(2014GSF117001),山东省科技发展计划(2015-2016)


1. 含氟类发泡剂的结构表征及理化性能测试合同,胜利石油管理局(2014

2. 基于硫酸酯的绿色离子液体型表面活性剂/牛血清白蛋白复合物研究(ZR2011BM017),山东省自然科学基金(2011-2013).

3. 超分子调驱体系研究与开发(11121330),胜利石油管理局(2013

4. 纳米调驱体系的筛选与研制(11121326),胜利石油管理局(2013

5. 非典型两亲分子的聚集行为表征研究(11121222),胜利石油管理局(2012

6. 两亲性离子液与牛血清白蛋白相互作用的热力学研究(070422047),教育部博士点基金(新教师基金)(2007-2009  

7. 双子表面活性剂的开发及其廉价高效复合驱配方体系的研究(2006GG2206004),山东省科技发展计划(2006-2008  

8. 天然羧酸盐的改性及其结构性能表征研究,胜利石油管理局(2008

9. 两亲性离子液的合成及其性质研究(Z2007B03),山东省自然科学基金(2008-2010  

10. 改性天然羧酸盐的开发及其在三次采油中的应用(20080441156),第43批中国博士后科学基金(2008-2009

11. 注聚后改性天然羧酸盐/聚合物二元复合驱体系研究及应用(200701005),山东省博士后创新专项资金(2007-2009  

12. 适用于孤岛东区原油的改性天然羧酸盐/HPAM二元复合驱油体系研究,胜利石油管理局(2009  

13. 气液界面上双调控作用制备贵金属纳米材料 (2009TS018),红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs自主创新基金(2009-2011  

14. 聚合物微球/改性天然羧酸盐新型二元调驱体系研究,胜利石油管理局(2010  


2. 具有三次采油驱油和稠油降粘双功能处理剂的研究 (2004GG2203094)山东省科技攻关计划(2004-2006

3. 结构诱导化合物与蛋白质模型分子相互作用的热力学研究(20073039),国家自然科学基金(2001-2003







1. A polyoxometalate-based supramolecular chemosensor for rapid detection of hydrogen sulfide with dual signals, Yongxian Guo, Yanjun Gong, Lubin Qi, Yan’an Gao, Li Yu*, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2017, 485, 280-287.

2. Simple and sensitive detection of pesticides using the liquid crystal droplet patterns platform, Yi Wang, Qiongzheng Hu, Tongtong Tian, Li Yu*, Sensors and Actuators B 2017, 238, 676-682.

3. Reversible photoresponsive molecular alignment of liquid crystals at fluid interfaces with persistent stabilityTongtong Tian, Qiongzheng Hu, Yi Wang, Yanan Gao, Li Yu*Chem. Eur. J. 2016, 22, 6340-6344.

4. A nonionic surfactant-decorated liquid crystal sensor for sensitive and selective detection of proteins, Yi Wang, Qiongzheng Hu, Tongtong Tian, Yan'an Gao, Li Yu*, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2016, 937, 119-126.

5. Multi-stimuli Responsive Supramolecular Structures Based on Azobenzene Surfactant-Encapsulated Polyoxometalate, Yongxian Guo, Yanjun Gong, Yanan Gao, Jianhong Xiao,Tao Wang, Li Yu*, Langmuir 2016, 32, 9293-9300.

6.Stimuli-Responsive Polyoxometalate/Ionic Liquid Supramolecular Spheres: Fabrication, Characterization and Biological Applications. Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu, Chen Wang, Ling Zang, Li Yu*, Langmuir, 2016, 32 (2), 421-427.

7. A liquid crystal-based sensor for the simple and sensitive detection of cellulase and cysteine, Yi Wang, Qiongzheng Hu, Tongtong Tian, Yan’an Gao, Li Yu*, Colloids and Surfaces B, 2016, 147, 100-105. (Selected as Cover)

8. Effect of Imidazolium-Based Surface-Active Ionic Liquids on the Orientation of Liquid Crystals at Various Fluid/Liquid Crystal Interfaces,Tongtong Tian, Qiongzheng Hu, Yi Wang, Yanan Gao, Li Yu*, Langmuir 2016, 32, 11745-11753.

9. Rational design of photo-responsive supramolecular nanostructures based on azobenzene-derived surfactant-encapsulated polyoxometalate complex, Yongxian Guo, Yanjun Gong, Zhidan Yu, Yan’an Gao, Li Yu*, RSC Adv. 2016, 6 (18), 14468-14473.

10. Photoluminescent Eu-containing Polyoxometalate/Gemini Surfactant Hybrid Nanoparticles for biological applications, Yanjun Gong, Fengqiao Bai, Zhidan Yu, Yanhui Bi, Wenwen Xu and Li Yu*, RSC Adv. 2016, 6 (11), 8601-8604.

11. A cationic surfactant-Decorated liquid crystal sensing platform for simple and sensitive

detection of acetylcholinesterase and its inhibitor. Yi Wang, Qiongzheng Hu, Yongxian Guo, Li

Yu*. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 72, 25-30.

12. Efficient and selective removal of dyes using imidazolium-based supramolecular gels. Ni

Cheng, Qiongzheng Hu, Yongxian Guo, Yong Wang, Li Yu*. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7 (19), 10258-10265.

13. Fabrication of pH- and temperature-directed supramolecular materials from 1D fibers to

exclusively 2D planar structures using an ionic self-assembly approach. Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu, Ni Cheng, Tao Wang, Wenwen Xu, Yanhui Bi and Li Yu*. J. Mater. Chem. C 2015, 3 (14), 3273-3279.  (Selected as Inside Back Cover)

14. Wormlike Micelles with Photoresponsive Viscoelastic Behavior Formed by Surface Active Ionic Liquid/Azobenzene Derivative Mixed Solution. Yanhui Bi, Hongtu Wei, Qiongzheng Hu, Wenwen Xu, Yanjun Gong, and Li Yu*. Langmuir 2015, 31 (13), 3789-3798.

15. Experimental and DFT studies on the aggregation behavior of imidazolium-based surface-active ionic liquids with aromatic counterions in aqueous solution. Wenwen Xu, Tao Wang, Ni Cheng, Qiongzheng Hu, Yanhui Bi, Yanjun Gong, Li Yu*. Langmuir 2015, 31(4), 1272-1282.

16. Rational Design of Multiple-Stimulus-Responsive Materials via Supramolecular Self-Assembly. Yanjun Gong, Tiliu Jiao, Qiongzheng Hu, Ni Cheng, Wenwen Xu, Yanhui Bi, Li Yu*. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (28), 16349-16357.

17. Aggregation Behavior of Imidazolium-Based Surface-Active Ionic Liquids with Photoresponsive Cinnamate Counterions in the Aqueous Solution. Yanhui Bi, Liuchen Zhao, Qiongzheng Hu, Yan’an Gao, Li Yu*. Langmuir 2015, 31 (46), 12597-12608.

18. Solvent and Substituent Effects on the Aggregation Behavior of Surface-Active Ionic Liquids with Aromatic Counterions and the Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes in their Hexagonal Liquid Crystalline Phase. Wenwen Xu, Qiwen Yin, Yan’an Gao,Li Yu*. Langmuir 2015, 31 (46), 12644-12652.

19. Supramolecular structures ranging from nano- to macro-scale with fluorescent and organic semiconducting properties. Yanjun Gong, Qiongzheng Hu, Ni Cheng, Yanhui Bi, Wenwen Xu and Li Yu*. RSC Adv. 2015, 5 (41), 32435-32440.

20. Gels and lyotropic liquid crystals: using an imidazolium-based catanionic surfactant in binary solvents. Ni Cheng, Qiongzheng Hu, Yanhui Bi, Wenwen Xu, Yanjun Gong, and Li Yu*. Langmuir 2014, 30 (30), 9076-9084.

21.Self-aggregation of new alkycarboxylate-based anionic surface active ionic liquids: experimental and theoretical investigations. Ni Cheng, Pengming Yu, Tao Wang, Xiang Sheng, Yanhui Bi, Yanjun Gong, and Li Yu*. J. Phys. Chem. B 2014, 118 (10), 2758-2768.

22. Microemulsion-like aggregation behaviour of an LCST-type ionic liquid in water. Rui Wang, Wenguang Leng, Yanan Gao* and Li Yu*. RSC Adv. 2014, 4 (27), 14055-14062.

23. Aggregation behavior of anionic surface active ionic liquids withdouble hydrocarbon chains in aqueous solution: Experimental andtheoretical investigations. Ni Cheng, Xiaoyuan Ma, Xiang Sheng, Tao Wang, Rui Wang, Jingjing Jiao, Li Yu*. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2014, 453, 53-61.

24. Salt-free catanionic surface active ionic liquids 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium alkylsulfate: Aggregation behavior in aqueous solution. Jingjing Jiao, Bing Han, Meijia Lin, Ni Cheng, Li Yu*, Min Liu. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2013, 412, 24-30.

25. Electrolyte effect on the aggregation behavior of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dodecylsulfate in aqueous solution. Jingjing Jiao, Yanfang Zhang, Liying Fang, Li Yu*, Limei Sun, Rui WangNi Cheng. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2013, 402, 139-145.

26. Interaction between zwitterionic surface activity ionic liquid and anionic surfactant: Na+ driven wormlike micelles. Xiaoqing Wang, Ruitao Wang, Yan Zheng, Limei Sun, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang. J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117 (6), 1886-1895.

27. Surface adsorption and micelle formation of imidazolium-based zwitterionic surface active ionic liquids in aqueous solution. Xiaoqing Wang, Jie Liu, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang, Limei Sun. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2013, 391, 103-110.

28. Studies of interparticle interactions among some L-a-amino acids and 1,2 (1,3)-propanediols in aqueous solution at 298.15 K. Rui Wang, Ni Cheng, Jingjing Jiao, Min Liu, Li Yu*. Thermochim. Acta, 2013, 565, 34-38.

29. Crystallization of calcium carbonate controlled by Pluronic P123 in room-temperature ionic liquid. Yingyuan Zhao, Ni Cheng, Min LiuLi Yu*. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2013, 291 (12), 2851-2859.

30. Facile synthesis of calcium carbonate with an absolutely pure crystal form using 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium dodecyl sulfate as the modifier. Yingyuan Zhao, Wei Du, Limei Sun, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2013, 291 (9), 2191-2202.

31. Interaction of bovine serum albumin with ester-functionalized anionic surface-active ionic liquids in aqueous solution: a detailed physicochemical and conformational study. Xiaoqing Wang, Jie Liu, Limei Sun, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang. J. Phys. Chem. B2012, 116 (41), 12479-12488.

32. Aggregation behaviors of dodecylsulfate-based anionic surface active ionic liquids in water. Jingjing Jiao, Bin Dong, Huina Zhang, Yingyuan Zhao, Xiaoqing Wang, Rui WangLi Yu*. J. Phys. Chem. B2012116 (3), 958-965.

33. Decorating multi-walled carbon nanotubes with Au nanoparticles by amphiphilic ionic liquid self-assembly. Jingjing Jiao, Huina Zhang, Li Yu*, Xiaoqing Wang, Rui Wang. Colloids and Surfaces A, 20124081-7.

34. The preparation of calcium carbonate crystals in pluronic F68 solution. Yingyuan Zhao, Xiaoqing Wang, Jingjing Jiao, Rui Wang, Li Yu*. J. Mol. Liquids, 2012, 169, 144-151.

35. Dispersion of carbon nanotubes with the aid of surface-active ionic liquids 1-dodecyl-3-methyl-pyrrolidinium bromide. Jingjing Jiao, Huina Zhang, Li Yu*, Xiaoqing Wang, Rui Wang. J. Mol. Liquids, 2012, 171, 6-10.

36. Aggregation behavior of COOH-functionalized imidazolium-based surface active ionic liquids in aqueous solution. Xiaoqing Wang, Li Yu*, Jingjing Jiao, Huina Zhang, Rui Wang, Hui Chen. J. Mol. Liquids, 2012, 173, 103-107.


1. 一种天然羧酸盐-聚合物微球二元复合调驱体系及其制备与应用 (201110130518.3)




3. 一种阴离子蠕虫状胶束驱油体系及其制备方法200710116123.1


4. 双子烷基羧酸盐表面活性剂在三次采油中的应用(200710014251.5


5. 双子烷基羧酸盐无碱驱油剂组合物及其应用(200710014252.X






















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