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推荐排序 成果名称 姓名 学号 导师 专业 发表刊物(鉴定部门)名称,位次,发表(鉴定)时间/刊物卷期/页码/版面/专利号等 收录情况(SCI、SSCI、AHCI、CSSCI)/影响因子/刊物分区/他引次数
1 General Dual-Switched Dynamic Singlet Fission Channels in Solvents Governed Jointly by Chromophore Structural Dynamics and Solvent Impact: Singlet Prefission Energetics Analyses 薛利娟 201611455 步宇翔 物理化学 Journal of the American Chemical Society/第1/2020-10-14/第142卷/第41期/17469-17479页 SCI/14.612/一区/1
2 Polymorphism in Atomically Precise Cu23 Nanocluster Incorporating Tetrahedral [Cu4]0 Kernel 韩保亮 201812168 王兴坡 无机化学 Journal of the American Chemical Society/第1/2020-03-25/第142卷/第12期/5834-5841页 SCI/14.612/一区/0次
3 Copper(I)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Interrupted Kinugasa Reaction: Synthesis of α-Thiofunctional Chiral β-Lactams 齐佳霖 201812209 徐政虎 有机化学 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed./第1/2021-2-23/第60卷/第9期/4561-4565页 SCI/12.959/1区/1
4 A 34-Electron Superatom Ag78 Cluster with Regioselective Ternary Ligands Shells and Its 2D Rhombic Superlattice Assembly 张文晶 201812183 孙頔 无机化学 Angewandte Chemie International Edition /第1/2021-02-19/第60卷/第8期/4231-4237页 SCI/12.959/JCR一区/1
5 Chiroptical Helices of N-Terminal Aryl Amino Acids through Orthogonal Noncovalent Interactions 王卓尔 201812212 郝爱友 有机化学 Angewandte Chemie International Edition/第1/2020-07-06/第59卷/第28期/11556-11565页 SCI/12.959/1/7
6 Ambient Chemical Fixation of CO2 Using a Robust Ag27 Cluster‐Based Two‐Dimensional Metal–Organic Framework 赵美华 201812185 崔萍 无机化学 Angewandte Chemie International Edition/第1/2020-11-02/第59卷/第45期/20031-20036页 SCI/12.959/一区/0次
7 Chalcogen···π Bonding Catalysis 孔祥金 201812204 王瑶 有机化学 Angewandte Chemie International Edition/第1/2021-04-19/第60卷/第17期/9395-9400页 SCI/12.959/一区/0
8 Polyhedral Oligosilsesquioxanes in Functional Chiral Nanoassemblies 安树国 202020300 郝爱友 材料与化工 ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION/第1/2021-04-26/第60卷/第18期/9902-9912页 SCI/12.959/1区/0次
9 Trapping an octahedral Ag6 kernel in a seven-fold symmetric Ag56 nanowheel 王芝 201720229 孙頔 无机化学 Nature Communications/第1/2018-05-29/第9卷//2094-2094页 SCI/12.121/一区/64
10 Highly active deficient ternary sulfide photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splitting 王海梅 201611497 陈代荣 无机化学 Nature Communications/第1/2020-06-17/第11卷/第1期/1 -11页 SCI/12.121/一区/14
11 A Keplerian Ag90 Nest of Platonic and Archimedean Polyhedra in Different Symmetry Groups 苏艳敏 201920249 孙頔 无机化学 Nature Communications/共1/2020-07-03/第11卷/第1期/3316-页 SCI/12.121/JCR一区/9
12 Regulation of Lamellar Structure of Vanadium Oxide via Polyaniline Intercalation for High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery 陈松 202020293 张进涛 物理化学 advanced functional materials/第1/2020-10-22/第30卷/第43期/2003890-2003890页 SCI/16.836/1区/8
13 Single platinum atoms immobilized on monolayer tungsten trioxide nanosheets as an efficient electrocatalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction 王德良 201512117 侯万国 物理化学 Advanced Functional Materials/第1/2021-04-15///2009770-1- 2009770-13页 SCI/16.836/ /0次
14 High-Throughput Synthesis of Chiroptical Nanostructures from Synergistic Hydrogen- Bonded Coassemblies 赵建剑 201912096 邢鹏遥 有机化学 ACS Nano/第1/2020-02-10/第14卷/第2期/2522-2532页 SCI/14.588/一区/11
15 Sponge Assembled by Graphene Nanocages with Double Active Sites to Accelerate Alkaline HER Kinetics 谷雨 201820258 熊胜林 无机化学 Nano Letters/共1/2020-11-11/第20卷/第11期/8375-8383页 SCI/11.238/Q1/0次









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