2016 1. Xinpei Gao, Fei Lu, Bin DongAoli Wu, Na Sun, Liqiang Zheng,*Anion exchangemembranes with well-defined ion transporting nanochannels via self-assembly of polymerizableionic liquids. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 13316–13323. 2. Xinpei Gao, Fei Lu, Wenjiang Yang, Fengkang Shang, LiqiangZheng,* Wormlike micelle templated synthesis of monoand bi-metallicnanochain networks with adjustable structure and constituents. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 67495–67501. 3. Fei Lu, Xinpei Gao, Panpan Sun, Liqiang Zheng,* Nanostructuredproton-conducting membranes based on polymerizable zwitterionic ionic liquid microemulsions.New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 7580—7586. 4. Aoli Wu, Fei Lu, Panpan Sun, Xinpei Gao, LijuanShi, Liqiang Zheng,* Photoresponsive Self-Assembly of Surface Active Ionic Liquid. Langmuir, 2016, 32, 8163−8170. 5. Yi Yang, Na Sun, Liqiang Zheng,* Effect of grafting densityof the side chain on the microstructure and properties of proton exchange membranesbased on polyvinyl alcohol and poly(ionic liquid). RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 58890–58897. 6. Yi Yang, Na Sun, Panpan Sun, Liqiang Zheng,* Effect of thebis-imidazolium-based poly(ionic liquid) on the microstructure and the properties of AAEMs based on polyvinylalcohol. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 25311–25318. 7. Panpan Sun, Lijuan Shi, Fei Lua, Liqiang Zheng,* Aggregation behavior of zwitterionic surface active ionic liquidswith different counterions, cations, and alkyl chains. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 27370–27377. 8.Tao Zhou, Xinpei Gao, Bin Dong, Na Sun, LiqiangZheng,* Poly(ionic liquid) hydrogels exhibiting superior mechanical andelectrochemical properties as flexible electrolytes. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,4, 1112–1118. 9. Tao Zhou, Xinpei Gao, Fei Lu, Na Sun, Liqiang Zheng,* Facile preparationof supramolecular ionogels exhibiting high temperature durability as solid electrolytes.New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 1169–1174.
2015 1. Xinpei Gao, Fei Lu, Bin Dong, Yizhi Liu, Yanan, Gao, Liqiang Zheng,* Facile synthesis of gold and gold-based alloy nanowire networks using wormlike micelles as soft templates. Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 843—846. 2. Fei Lu, Xinpei Gao, Bin Dong, Panpan Sun, Nan Sun, Shuting Xie, Liqiang Zheng,* Nanostructured Proton Conductors Formed via in Situ Polymerization of Ionic Liquid Crystals. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 21970−21977. 3. Yi Yang, Fei Lu, Xinpei Gao, Shuting Xie, Nan Sun, Liqiang Zheng,* Effect of different ion-aggregating structures on the property of proton conducting membrane based on polyvinyl alcohol. Journal of Membrane Science 2015, 490, 38–45. 4. Nan Sun, Lijuan Shi, Fei Lu, Shuting Xie, Panpan Sun, Liqiang Zheng,* Spontaneous Vesicle Phase Formation by Linear Pseudo-Oligomeric Surfactant in Aqueous Solutions. Langmuir 2015, 31, 2281−2287. 5. Shuting Xie, Han Jia, Fei Lu, Nan Sun, Jierui Yu, Shaojie Liu,* Liqiang Zheng,* Controlled synthesis of α-Fe2O3nanostructures with the assistance of ionic liquid and their distinct photocatalytic performance under visible-light irradiation. CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 1210–1218. 6. Xinpei Gao, Fei Lu, Bin Dong, Tao Zhou, Yizhi Liu, Liqiang Zheng,* Temperature-responsive proton-conductive liquid crystals formed by the self-assembly of zwitterionic ionic liquids. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 63732–63737. 7. Yi Yang, Hejun Gao, Liqiang Zheng,* Anhydrous proton exchange membranes at elevated temperatures: effect of protic ionic liquids and crosslinker on proton conductivity. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 17683–17689.
1. Xinpei Gao, Fei Lu, Bin Dong, TaoZhou, Wenfei Tiana and Li-Qiang Zheng,*Zwitterionic vesicles with AuCl4- counterions as soft templates forthe synthesis of gold nanoplates and nanospheres, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50,8783−8786.
2. Xiu-Jie Yang, Bin Chen,* Xu-BingLi, Li-Qiang Zheng,* Li-ZhuWu* and Chen-Ho Tung, Photocatalytic organic transformation by layered doublehydroxides: highly efficient and selective oxidation of primary aromatic aminesto their imines under ambient aerobic conditions, Chem. Commun., 2014, 50,6664—6667.
3. Xiu-Jie Yang, Bin Chen,* Li-Qiang Zheng,* Li-Zhu Wu,* andChen-Ho Tung, Highly efficient and selective photocatalytic hydrogenation offunctionalized nitrobenzenes, Green Chem.,2014, 16, 1082–1086. 4. Nan Sun, Lijuan Shi, Fei Lu, ShutingXie and Li-Qiang Zheng,* Spontaneousvesicle phase formation by pseudogemini surfactants in aqueous solutions, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 5463–5471. 5. Fei Lu, Xinpei Gao, Shuting Xie,Nan Sun and Li-Qiang Zheng,* Chemicalmodification of Nafion membranes by protic ionic liquids: the key role ofionomer–cation interactions, Soft Matter,2014, 10, 7819–7825. 6. Shuting Xie, Fei Lu, Nan Sun, ShaojieLiu,* Han Jia,* and Li-Qiang Zheng,*,Facile one-step preparation of hierarchical α-Fe2O3 nanostructureswith enhanced performance in energy and environmentally related applications, CrystEngComm, 2014, 16, 9727–9734. 7. Han Yan, Yue Long, Kai Song, Chen-HoTung and Liqiang Zheng, * Photo-inducedtransformation from wormlike to spherical micelles based on pyrrolidinium ionicLiquids, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 115–121. 8. Yi Yang, Hejun Gao, Fei Lu and Li-Qiang Zheng,* Preparation andcharacterization of composite membranes with Brønsted acidic ionic liquid, Colloid Polym Sci, 2014, 292, 2831–2839. 9. Fei Lu, Lijuan Shi, Han Yan,Xiujie Yang and Li-Qiang Zheng,*Aggregation behavior of dodecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide in aqueoussolution: Effect of aromatic ionic liquids, Colloidsand Surfaces A, 2014, 457, 203–211. 10. Hejun Gao, Yun Wang and Liqiang Zheng,* Removing Cr(VI)from aqueous solutions using a functional ionicliquid-based cross-linkedpolymer, Journal of EnvironmentalManagement,2014,137, 81-85. 11. Hongtao Zhou, Liqiang Zheng,* and Han Jia,* Facile control of theself-assembly of gold nanoparticles by changingthe capping agent structures, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2014, 450, 9-14. 12. Hongtao Zhou, Hui Yan, AilingZhang, Liqiang Zheng,* and HanJia,*π-πstackinginteraction induced the assembly of gold nanorod, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 148, 503-506. 13. Yi Yang, Hejun Gao, Fei Lu and Liqiang Zheng*, Preparation andcharacterization of directional conducting and lower methanol permeable ultrathinmembrane based on poly (vinyl alcohol) and imidazolium compounds, international journal of hydrogen energy,2014, 39, 17191-17200. 2013 1. LijuanShi, Ying Wei, Nan Sun, LiqiangZheng*, First observation of rich lamellar structures formed by asingle-tailed amphiphilic ionic liquid in aqueous solutions. Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 11388−11390. 2. FeiLu, Xinpei Gao, Xiaojun Yan, Hejun Gao, Lijuan Shi, Han Jia, Liqiang Zheng*, Preparation andCharacterization of Nonaqueous Proton-Conducting Membranes with Protic IonicLiquids. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2013, 5, 7626−7632. 3. XinpeiGao, Fei Lu, Lijuan Shi, Han Jia, Hejun Gao, and Liqiang Zheng*, Nanostructured Aqueous Lithium-IonConductors Formed by the Self-Assembly of Imidazolium-Type Zwitterions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 13312-13317. 4. YingqiuGu, Lijuan Shi, Xiyuan Cheng, Fei Lu, LiqiangZheng*, Aggregation Behavior of 1‑Dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium Bromidein Aqueous Solution: Effect of Ionic Liquids with Aromatic Anions. Langmuir 2013, 29, 6213−6220. 5. HejunGao, Taotao Kan, Siyuan Zhao,Yixia Qian, Xiyuan Cheng, Wenli Wu, Xiaodong Wang,Liqiang Zheng*, Removal ofanionic azo dyes from aqueous solution by functional ionicliquid cross-linked polymer. Journalof Hazardous Materials, 2013,261, 83–90. 6. HejunGao, Yun Wang, Liqiang Zheng*,Hydroxyl-functionalized ionic liquid-based cross-linked polymer as highlyefficient adsorbent for anionic azo dyes removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013,234, 372–379. 7. HejunGao, Siyuan Zhao, Xiyuan Cheng, Xiaodong Wang, Liqiang Zheng*, Removal of anionic azo dyes from aqueoussolution using magnetic polymer multi-wall carbon nanotube nanocomposite asadsorbent. Chemical Engineering Journal,2013, 223, 84–90. 8. LijuanShi, Xinxin Jing, Hejun Gao, Yingqiu Gu, LiqiangZheng*, Ionic liquid-induced changes in the properties of aqueou ssodium dodecyl sulfate solution: effect of acidic/basic functional groups. Colloid Polym. Sci. 2013, 291,1601–1612. 9. HejunGao, Lijuan Shi, Shaohua Zhang, Jun Li, Xiaodong Wang, Liqiang Zheng*, Aggregation behavior of imidazolium-basedchiral surfactant in aqueous solution. ColloidPolym. Sci. 2013, 291,1077–1084. 10. FeiLu, Lijuan Shi, Yingqiu Gu, Xiu jie Yang, LiqiangZheng*, Aggregation behavior of alkyl triphenyl phosphonium bromides inaprotic and protic ionic liquids. ColloidPolym. Sci. 2013, 291,2375–2384. 11. XiujieYang, Xinwei Li, Bin Chen,* Lizhu Wu,* Liping Zhang, Liqiang Zheng,* Chenho Tung, Stereoselective PhotochemicalReaction of Cyclohexyl Phenyl Ketone within Lytropic Liquid Crystals Formed byChiral Ionic Liquids. Chin. J. Chem. 2013, 31, 603—606. 2012 1. JunLi, Mingwei Zhao, Hongtao Zhou, Hejun Gao, Liqiang Zheng*,Photo-inducedtransformation of wormlike micelles to spherical micelles in aqueous solution, Soft Matter, 2012, 8,7858-7864 2. HanJia, Xiangtao Bai, Lijuan Shi, Fei Lu, Liqiang Zheng*, Effects ofthe π-π Stacking Interactions on the Patterns of Gold Nanoparticles Formed atthe Air/Water Interface, Nanoscale,2012, 4, 3162-3167 3. DepingHuang, Yuanyuan Qi, Xiangtao Bai, Lijuan Shi, Han Jia, Dongju Zhang, LiqiangZheng*, One-Pot Synthesis of Dendritic Gold Nanostructures in AqueousSolutions of Quaternary Ammonium Cationic Surfactants: Effects of the HeadGroup and Hydrocarbon Chain Length,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2012, 4, 4665 4. FeiLu, Shaohua Zhang, Hejun Gao, Han Jia, Liqiang Zheng*,Protein-Decorated Reduced Oxide Graphene Composite and its Application to SERS,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2012, 4, 3278−3284 5. LijuanShi, Liqiang Zheng*, Aggregation Behavior of Surface ActiveImidazoliumIonic Liquids in Ethylammonium Nitrate: Effect of Alkyl ChainLength, Cations, and Counterions, J.Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116, 2162−2172 6. HanJia, Xiangtao Bai, Liqiang Zheng*, One-Step Synthesis andAssembly of Gold Nanochains Using Langmuir Monolayer of Long-Chain Ionic Liquidand Their Applications to SERS, CrystEngComm,2012, 14, 2920-2925 7. HanJia, Xinpei Gao, Zhaolong Chen, Guoqiang Liu, Xiao Zhang, Hui Yan, HongtaoZhou, Liqiang Zheng*, The High Yield Synthesis andCharacterization of Gold Nanoparticles with Superior Stability and TheirCatalytic Activity, CrystEngComm,2012, 14, 7600 8. ShaohuaZhang, Han Yan, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng*, Aggregationbehavior of gemini pyrrolidine-based ionic liquids 1,1’-(butane-1,4-diyl)bis(1-alkylpyrrolidinium) bromide ([Cnpy-4-Cnpy][Br2]) inaqueous solution, J. ColloidInterface Sci., 2012, 372, 52-57 9. ShaohuaZhang, Jie Liu, Na Li, Xiujie Yang, Liqiang Zheng*, Aggregationbehavior of silicone surfactants in ethylammonium nitrate ionic liquid, Colloid Polym Sci, 2012,290, 1927 10. MingweiZhao, Jie Yuan, Liqiang Zheng*, The formation of vesicles byN-dodecyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide ionic liquid/copper dodecyl sulfate andapplication in the synthesis of leaflike CuO nanosheets, Colloid Polym Sci, 2012,290, 1361-1369 11. JieLiu, Qian Zhang, Yu Huo, Mingwei Zhao, Dezhi Sun, Xilian Wei, Shaojie Liu, LiqiangZheng*, Interactions of two homologues of cationic surface active ionicliquids with sodium carboxymethylcellulose in aqueous solution,Colloid Polym Sci, 2012, 290,1721 12. HejunGao, Shaohua Zhang, Deping Huang, Liqiang Zheng*, Dispersion ofmulti-wall carbon nanotube s by an ionic liquid-base d polyether in aqueoussolution, Colloid Polym Sci,2012, 290, 757 – 762 13. HejunGao, Shaohu a Zhang, Fei Lu, Han Jia, Liqiang Zheng*, Aqueousdispers ion of graphene sheets stabilized by ionic liquid-based polyether, Colloid Polym Sci, 2012, 290,1785 14. JunLi, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng*, Salt-induced wormlike micellesformed by N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidiniumbromide in aqueous solution, Colloids Surf. A, 2012,396, 16-21 15. MingweiZhao, Jie Yuan, Liqiang Zheng*, Spontaneous formation of vesiclesby N-dodecyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide (C12MPB) ionic liquid and sodiumdodecyl sulfate (SDS) in aqueous solution, Colloids Surf. A, 2012, 407, 116-120 16. HongchaoMa, Xiangtao Bai, Liqiang Zheng*, Fabrication of dumbbell-likeCdTe/Au nanohybrids, Materials Letters,2012, 66, 212-215 17. FeiLu, Shaohua Zhang, Liqiang Zheng*, Dispersion of multi-walledcarbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by ionic liquid-based phosphonium surfactants inaqueous solution, Journal ofMolecular Liquids, 2012, 173, 42-46 2011 1. Lijuan Shi, Na Li, LiqiangZheng* Aggregation Behavior of Long-Chain N-Aryl Imidazolium Bromide in a RoomTemperature Ionic Liquid J. Phys. Chem. C2011, 115, 18295–18301 2. Deping Huang, Xiangtao Bai, Liqiang Zheng* Ultrafast Preparation of Three-Dimensional DendriticGold Nanostructures in Aqueous Solution and Their Applications in Catalysis andSERS J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, 115, 14641–14647 3. Lijuan Shi, Na Li, Han Yan, Yan’an Gao, Liqiang Zheng* Aggregation Behavior of Long-Chain N-ArylImidazolium Bromide in Aqueous Solution Langmuir2011, 27, 1618–1625 4. Xiangtao Bai, Yanan Gao, LiqiangZheng* Galvanic replacement mediated growth of dendritic goldnanostructures with a three-fold symmetry and their applications to SERS CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 3562–3568 5. Han Jia, Xiangtao Bai, Na Li, Li Yu, Liqiang Zheng* Siloxane surfactant induced self-assembly of goldnanoparticles and their application to SERS CrystEngComm,2011, 13, 6179–6184 6. Han Jia, Xiangtao Bai, LiqiangZheng* Facile preparation of CaCO3 nanocrystals with unique morphologies controlledby supramolecular complexes CrystEngComm,2011, 13, 7252-7257 7. Hongchao Ma, Xiangtao Bai, Liqiang Zheng* Ultrafast Preparation of Three-Dimensional DendriticGold Nanostructures in Aqueous Solution and Their Applications in Catalysis andSERS CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 3788–3793 8. Mingwei Zhao, LiqiangZheng* Micelle formation by N-alkyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bromide in aqueoussolution Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2011, 13, 1332–1337 9. Bin Dong, Yijin Su, Yonghui Liu, Jie Yuan, Jingkun Xu, Liqiang Zheng*Dispersion of carbon nanotubes by carbazole-tailedamphiphilic imidazolium ionic liquids in aqueous solutionsJ. Colloid Interface Sci. 2011, 356, 190–195 10. 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2010 1. Xiangtao Bai, Liqiang Zheng,* A Facile Synthesis of Two-DimensionalDendritic Gold Nanostructures at the Air/Water Interface,Cryst.Growth Des.2010, 10, 4701-4705 2. Jie Yuan, Xiangtao Bai, Mingwei Zhao, Liqiang Zheng* C12mimBrionic liquid/SDS vesicle formation and use as template for the synthesis ofhollow silica spheres, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 11726-11731 3. Xiangtao Bai, Xinwei Li, Liqiang Zheng,* Chiral ionic liquid monolayer-stabilizedgold nanoparticles: synthesis, self-assembly, and application to SERS, Langmuir,2010, 26, 12209-12214 4. Xiangtao Bai, Hongchao Ma, Xinwei Li, Bin Dong,Liqiang Zheng,* Patternsof Gold Nanoparticles Formed at the Air/Water Interface: Effects of CappingAgents, Langmuir,2010, 26,14970-14974 5. Na Li, Shaohua Zhang, Hongchao Ma, Liqiang Zheng,* Roleof solubilized water in micelles formed by Triton X-100 in1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium ionic liquids, Langmuir,2010, 26,9315-9320 6. Bin Dong, Yanan Gao, Yijin Su, Liqiang Zheng,* Jingkun Xu*, TohruInoue, Self-aggregation behavior of fluorescent carbazole-tailedimidazolium ionic liquids in aqueous solutions, J. Phys. Chem. B,2010, 114,340-348 7. Mingwei Zhao, Yanan Gao, Liqiang Zheng,*LiquidCrystalline Phases of the Amphiphilic Ionic LiquidN-Hexadecyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium Bromide Formed in the Ionic LiquidEthylammonium Nitrate and in Water, J. Phys. Chem. B,2010,114, 11382-11389 8. Xinwei Li, Yanan Gao, Jie Liu, Liqiang Zheng,* Bin Chen, LizhuWu, Chenho Tung, Aggregationbehavior of a chiral long-chain ionic liquid in aqueous solution, J. Colloid Interface Sci.2010, 343, 94-101 9. Mingwei Zhao, Yanan Gao, Liqiang Zheng,* WenpeiKang, Xiangtao Bai, Bin Dong, Microporus Silica Microspheres andHollow Worm-like Materials: A Simple Method for Their Synthesis and TheirApplication in Controlled Release, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 2010, 975-982 10. GuoliLi, Yanan Gao, Xinwei Li, Jie Liu, LiqiangZheng,* Xing Hang, Jinxin Xiao, Aggregation behavior of N-alkylperfluorooctanesulfonamides in dimethyl sulfoxide solution, J. Colloid Interafce Sci.2010, 342, 372-381 11. XinpingLi, Yanan Gao, Li Yu, Liqiang Zheng,*Template-freesynthesis of CdS hollow nanospheres based on an ionic liquid assisted hydrothermal process andtheir application in photocatalysis, J. Solid State Chem. 2010,183, 1423-1432 12. Mingwei Zhao, Yanan Gao, Liqiang Zheng,* Lyotropic liquidcrystalline phases formed in binary mixture of 1-tetradecyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride/ethylammonium nitrate and itsapplication in the dispersion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes, Colloids Surf. A,2010, 369, 95-100 13. JieLiu, Liqiang Zheng,* Dezhi Sun,Xilian Wei, Salteffect on the complex formation between 1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromideand sodium carboxymethylcellulose in aqueous solution . Colloids Surf. A,2010, 358, 93-100 14. Shaohua Zhang, Yanan Gao, Bin Dong, Liqiang Zheng *Interaction Between the added Long-chain Ionic Liquid1-dodecyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluroborate and Triton X-100 in AqueousSolution, Colloids Surf. A, 2010, 358, 182-189 15. Wenpei Kang, Yanan Gao, Bin Dong, Liqiang Zheng,*Aggregation Behavior of Long Chain Imidazolium Ionic Liquid in EthylammoniumNitrate, Colloid Polym. Sci.2010, 288, 1225-1232 16. Mingwei Zhao, Wenpei Kang, Liqiang Zheng,* YananGao,Synthesis of silica nanoboxes via a simple hard-template method and theirapplication in controlled release, Mater. Lett.2010, 64, 990-992 17. Bin Dong, Liqiang Zheng,*Microemulsions Based on Ionic Liquids: Ionic Liquid Microemulsions, SCIENTIA SINICA Chimica, 2010, 40(9),1266-1275 18. HongyingWang, Yanan Gao, Mingwei Zhao, LiqiangZheng,* Ionic Liquid-assisted Synthesis of Silver Nanorods by PolyolReduction, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2010, 21, 872-875
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