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姓 名 陈 晓
性 别
学 历 博士研究生
职 称 教授  ( 博导 )
兼职 中国化学会胶体与界面化学专业委员会、有序分子薄膜专业委员会委员。
专业 物理化学 --自组装超分子有序 聚集体
系所 胶体与界面化学研究所 ::
电 话 +86-531-88365420
传 真 +86-531-88564750
地 址 济南市山大南路27号
E-mail xchen@sdu.edu.cn


  • 首批教育部骨干教师,山东省第五批中青年学术骨干。
    1980.9-1984.7 红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs化学系化学专业本科,理学学士。
    1984.9-1987.7 红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs化学系物理化学专业硕士研究生,理学硕士。
    1992.9-1996.6 红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs胶体与界面化学研究所物理化学专业博士研究生,理学博士。
    1998.3-1999.4 以色列Ben-Gurion大学化学系界面化学研究室博士后。
    2004.12-2005.6 加拿大Alberta大学化学与材料工程系Visiting Professor.
    1999.4--至今 红宝石活动优惠大厅hbs胶体与界面化学教育部重点实验室,任职教授。



  • 本科生《物理化学》、《化学信息学》、《综合化学实验》;

  • 研究生《微纳米材料的胶体化学制备》、《表面活性剂物理化学》、《胶体与界面化学研究方法》、《网络化学与化工信息检索》。



  • 胶体与界面化学。不同溶剂中新型表面活性剂自组装有序聚集体(胶束、囊泡、溶致液晶)及其功能体系的构建与表征。


As the corresponding author:
(1) Xiu Yue, Xiao Chen*, Qintang Li, Zhihong Li, “Lyotropic liquid crystalline phases of a phytosterol ethoxylate in amide solvent”, Langmuir, 2013, 29, 11013-11021.
(2) Qintang Li, Xudong Wang, Xiu Yue, Xiao Chen*, “Wormlike micelles formed using Gemini surfactants with quaternary hydroxyethyl methylammonium headgroups”, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 9667–9674.
(3) Yurong Zhao, Xiu Yue, Xudong Wang, Xiao Chen*, “Lyotropic liquid crystalline phases with a series of N-alkyl-N-methylpiperidinium bromides and water”, J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 2013, 389, 199-205.
(4) Dandan Huang, Xiao Chen*, Zhihong Li, “Formation of pyrrolidinium fatty acid soap and its lyotropic liquid crystalline phase behavior”, Colloids Surf. A, 2013, 426, 55-62.
(5) Yi Yang, Xiao Chen*, Dandan Huang, Wei Ye, “Supramolecular gel based on the cyclodextrin inclusion assembly ofAg-Fe3O4 nanodimers and Pluronic F127”, Colloids Surf. A, 2013, 436, 467-474.
(6) Lijie Zhu, Dandan Huang, Qintang Li, Guangchen Xu, Xiao Chen*, “Nanofibers and vesicles self-assembled from Gemini surfactant complexes with Bile salts ”, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2013, 29, 2415-2421.
(7) Xudong Wang, Qintang Li, Xiao Chen*, Zhihong Li, “Effects of structure dissymmetry on aggregation behaviors of quaternary ammonium Gemini surfactants in a protic ionic liquid EAN”, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 16547-16554.
(8) Xudong Wang, Xiao Chen*, Yurong Zhao, Xiu Yue, Qiuhong Li, Zhihong Li, “Nonaqueous lyotropic liquid-crystalline phases formed by Gemini surfactants in a protic ionic liquid”, Langmuir, 2012, 28, 2476-2484.
(9) Xiu Yue, Xiao Chen*, Qintang Li, “Comparison of aggregation behaviors of a phytosterol ethoxylate surfactant in protic and aprotic ionic liquids”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2012, 116, 9439-9444.
(10) Yurong Zhao, Xiu Yue, Xudong Wang, Dandan Huang, Xiao Chen*, “Micelle formation by N-alkyl-N-methylpiperidinium bromide ionic liquids in aqueous solution”, Colloids Surf. A, 2012, 412, 90-95.
(11) Qiuhong Li, Xiao Chen*, Xiu Yue, Dandan Huang, Xudong Wang, “Construction and transformation of stimuli-responsive vesicles from the ferrocene derivative supramolecular amphiphiles”, Colloids Surf. A, 2012, 409, 98-104.
(12) Chao Lv, Guanchen Xu, Xiao Chen*, “Ionic self-assembled fluorescent organic nanosticks”, Chemistry Letters, 2012, 41, 1201-1203.
(13) Yi Yang, Wei Ye, Xiao Chen*, “Preparation and controlled assembly of asymmetric Janus particles”, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2012, 28, 2525-2535. (in Chinese)
(14) Xiu Yue, Xiao Chen*, Xudong Wang, Zhihong Li, “Lyotropic liquid crystalline phases formed by phyosterol ethoxylates in room-temperature ionic liquids”, Colloids Surf. A, 2011, 392, 225-232.
(15) Fumin Ma, Xiao Chen*, Yurong Zhao, Xudong Wang, Qiuhong Li, Chao Lv, Xiu Yue, “A nonaqueous lyotropic liquid crystal fabricated by a polyoxyethylene amphiphile in protic ionic liquid”, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 7802-7807.
(16) Qiuhong Li, Xiao Chen*, Xudong Wang, Yurong Zhao, Fumin Ma, “Ionic self-assembled wormlike nanowires and their cyclodextrin inclusion-tuned transition”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2010, 114, 10384-10390.
(17) Chao Lv, Xiao Chen*, Bo Jing, Yurong Zhao, Fumin Ma, “Thermo-sensitive amphiphilic supramolecular assembly based on cyclodextrin inclusion”, J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 2010, 351, 63-68.
(18) Qiuhong Li, Xiao Chen*, Bo Jing, Yurong Zhao, Fumin Ma, “Redox switched transition of vesicles self-assembled from AOT and ferrocene derivative molecules”, Colloids Surf. A, 2010, 355, 146-150.
(19) Fumin Ma, Xiao Chen*, Xudong Wang, Yurong Zhao, Qiuhong Li, Xiu Yue, Chao Lv, “Synthesis and characterization on a novel series of protic pyrrolidinium surfactants”, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2010, 21, 385-387.
(20) Yurong Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Bo Jing, Xudong Wang, Fumin Ma, “Novel gel phase formed by mixing a cationic surfactive ionic liquid C16mimCl and an anionic surfactant SDS in aqueous solution”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 983-988.
(21) Yurong Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Xudong Wang, “Liquid crystalline phases self-organized from a surfactant-like ionic liquid C16mimCl in ethylammonium nitrate”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 2024-2030.
(22) Bo Jing, Xiao Chen*, Yurong Zhao, Xudong Wang, Fumin Ma, Xiu Yue, “Ionic self-assembled solid-like vesicles and their temperature-induced transformation”, J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 2037-2042.
(23) Limei Xu, Xiao Chen*, Lin Ma, Fengqing Gao, “Facile preparation of copper sulfide nanoparticles from perovskite templates containing bromide anions”, Colloids Surf. A, 2009, 349, 69-73.
(24) Fumin Ma, Xiao Chen*, Yurong Zhao, Xudong Wang, Bo Jing, Fengqing Gao, Huayu Qiu, “Formation of lyotropic liquid crystals from a fatty acid and a nitrogenous heterocyclic compound in water”, Chemistry Letters, 2009, 38, 240-241.
(25) Bo Jing, Xiao Chen*, Yurong Zhao, Xudong Wang, Jinguqng Cai, Huayu Qiu, "Ionic self-assembled organic nanobelts from the hexagonal phase complexes and their cyclodextrin inclusions", J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 112, 7191-7195.
(26) Guodong Zhang, Xiao Chen*, Yurong Zhao, Fumin Ma, Bo Jing, Huayu Qiu, “Lyotropic liquid-crystalline phases formed by Pluronic P123 in ethylammonium nitrate”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 112, 6578-6584.
(27) Bo Jing, Xiao Chen*, Xudong Wang, Yurong Zhao, Huayu Qiu, “Sol-gel-sol transition of gold nanoparticles based supramolecular hydrogel induced by cyclodextrin inclusion”, ChemPhysChem, 2008, 9, 249-252.
(28) Wenchang Zhuang, Xiao Chen*, Jinguang Cai, Guodong Zhang, Huayu Qiu, “Characterization of lamellar phases fabricated from Brij-30/water/1-butyl- 3-methylimidazolium salts ternary systems by small-angle X-ray scattering”, Colloids Surf. A, 2008, 318, 175-183.
(29) Zenwen Sun, Xiao Chen*, Luyan Wang, Guodong Zhang, Bo Jing, “Synthesis of gold nanoplates in lamellar liquid crystal”, Colloids Surf. A, 2008, 326, 23-28.
(30) Yurong Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Guodong Zhang, “Mesoscopic simulation on phase behavior of Pluronic P104 aqueous solution at moderate concentrations”, J. Dispersion Sci. Technology, 2008, 29, 1331-1337.
(31) Bo Jing, Xiao Chen*, Xudong Wang, Chunjie Yang, Yizhou Xie, Huayu Qiu, “Self-assembly vesicles made from a cyclodextrin supramolecular complex”, Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13, 9137-9142.
(32) Guodong Zhang, Xiao Chen*, Yurong Zhao, Yizhou Xie, Huayu Qiu, “Effects of alcohols and counter ions on the phase behavior of 1-octyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride aqueous solution”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111, 11708-11713.
(33) Yurong Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Chunjie Yang, Guodong Zhang, “Mesoscopic simulation on phase behavior of  Pluronic P123 aqueous solution”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111, 13937-13942.
(34) Guodong Zhang, Xiao Chen*, Yizhou Xie, Yurong Zhao, Huayu Qiu, “LLC phases in a ternary system of 1-hexadecyl-3-methyl-imidazolium chloride/1-decanol/water”, J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 2007, 315, 601-606.
(35) Bo Jing, Xiao Chen*, Jingcheng Hao, Huayu Qiu, Yongcun Chai, Guodong Zhang, “Supramolecular self-assembly of polypseudo-rotaxanes in ionic liquid”, Colloids Surf. A, 2007, 292, 51-55.
(36) Luyan Wang, Xiao Chen*, Yongcun Chai, Jingcheng Hao, “Controlled formation of gold nanoplates and nanobelts in lyotropic liquid crystal phases with imidazolium cations”, Colloids Surf. A, 2007, 293, 95-110.
(37) Luyan Wang, Xiao Chen*, Zhenwen Sun, Yongcun Chai, “Synthesis of gold nanoplates in lecithin lamellar liquid crystals”, Canadian J. Chem. Eng. 2007, 85, 598-601.
(38) Chunjie Yang, Xiao Chen*, Huayu Qiu, Wenchang Zhuang, Yongcun Chai, Jingcheng Hao, “Dissipative particle dynamics simulation of phase behavior of Aerosol OT/water system”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2006, 110, 21735-21740.
(39) Chunjie Yang, Xiao Chen*, Zhenming Sui, Luyan Wang, “Molecular dynamics simulation of a positively charged Ag nanoparticle capped by CTA cations”, Colloids Surf. A, 2006, 274, 219-222.
(40) Guodong Zhang, Xiao Chen*, Jikuan Zhao, Yongcun Chai, Wenchang Zhuang, Luyan Wang, “Electrophoretic deposition of silver nanoparticles in lamellar lyotropic liquid crystal”, Mater. Lett., 2006, 60, 2889-2892.
(41) Zhenming Sui, Xiao Chen*, Luyan Wang, Limei Xu, Wenchang Zhuang, Yongcun Chai, Chunjie Yang, “Capping effect of CTAB on positively charged Ag nanoparticles”, Physica E, 2006, 33, 308-314.
(42) Cheng Li, Xiao Chen*, Zhenming Sui, Luyan Wang, Limei Xu, Jingcheng Hao, “A facile approach for synthesis of high-stable CdS nanoparticles”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2006, 51, 1266-1268.
(43) Bo Jing, Xiao Chen*, Zhenming Sui, Luyan Wang, Yongcun Chai, Huayu Qiu, “Study on lamellar lyotropic liquid crystal doped with magnetic nanoparticles”, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2006, 64, 1319-1323. (in Chinese)
(44) Zhenming Sui, Xiao Chen*, Luyan Wang, Limei Xu, Chunjie Yang, “Study on the doping and interactions of metal nanoparticles in the lyotropic liquid crystals”, Acta Phys. -Chimica. Sinica, 2006, 22, 737-743.
(45) Yongcun Chai, Xiao Chen*, Zhenming Sui, Wenchang Zhuang, “Electrochemical deposition of bunchy nanostructured platinum from lyotropic liquid crystal template”, Acta Phys. -Chimica. Sinica, 2006, 22, 1506-1510. (in Chinese)
(46) Guodong Zhang, Xiao Chen*, Bo Jing, “Ordered molecular assembly in room temperature ionic liquids”, Progress in Chemistry, 2006, 18, 1085-1091. (in Chinese)
(47) Bo Jing, Xiao Chen*, Yongcun Chai, “Assembling Poly(pseudo)rotaxanes from cyclodextrins and macromolecules”, Progress in Chemistry, 2006, 18, 1361-1368. (in Chinese)
(48) Zhenwen Sun, Xiao Chen*, Luyan Wang, Huayu Qiu, “Fabrication and doping of biomimetic lyotropic liquid crystals”, Progress in Chemistry, 2006, 18, 1584-1591. (in Chinese)
(49) Luyan Wang, Xiao Chen*, Jie Zhan, Yongcun Chai, Chunjie Yang, Limei Xu, Wenchang Zhuang, Bo Jing, “Synthesis of gold nano- and micro-plates in hexagonal liquid crystals”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 2005, 109, 3189-3194.
(50) Zhenming Sui, Xiao Chen*, Luyan Wang, Yongcun Chai, Chunjie Yang, Jikuan Zhao, “An improved approach for synthesis of oositively charged silver nanoparticles”, Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34, 100-101.
(51) Baolin Zhu, Xiao Chen*, Limei Xu, Hongguo Liu, Zhenming Sui, Jie Liu, “Fabrication of ZnS semiconductor nanodisks in layered organic–inorganic solid templates”, Thin Solid Films, 2005, 474, 114-118.
(52) Luyan Wang, Xiao Chen*, Jikuan Zhao, Zhenming Sui, Wenchang Zhuang, Limei Xu, Chunjie Yang, “Preparation of silver nanoparticles templated from amphiphilic block copolymer-based hexagonal liquid crystals”, Colloids Surf. A, 2005, 257-258, 231-235.
(53) Limei Xu, Xiao Chen*, Luyan Wang, Zhenming Sui, Jikuan Zhao, Baolin Zhu, “Formation of lead sulfide nanoparticles via Langmuir–Blodgett technique”, Colloids Surf. A, 2005, 257-258, 457-460.
(54) Jikuan Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Chunjie Yang, Zhenming Sui, Guodong Zhang, Yongcun Chai, Jie Liu, “Efficient preparation of metal organosols by phase transfer”, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2005, 23, 511-516.
(55) Limei Xu , Xiao Chen*, Luyan Wang, Zhenming Sui, Hongguo Liu, Kongzhang Yang, “Preparation of PbS nanoparticles templated from perovskite Langmuir-Blodgett film”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2005, 50, 371-373.
(56) Jikuan Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Chunjie Yang, Zhenming Sui, Yongcun Chai, Guodong Zhang, Jie Liu, “An efficient route to prepare metal organosols by phase transfer procedure”, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2005, 16, 557-560.
(57) Chunjie Yang, Xiao Chen*, Jikuan Zhao, Chengbu Liu, “Molecular modeling of oleate adsorption on silver nanoparticle surface”, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2005, 63, 769-773. (in Chinese)
(58) Wenchang Zhuang, Xiao Chen*, Chunjie Yang, Luyan Wang, Yongcun Chai, “Study of ordering for AOT/water lamellar lyotropic liquid crystal: Small-angle X-ray scattering experiments”, Acta Phys. -Chimica. Sinica, 2005, 21, 1055-1058.
(59) Yongcun Chai, Xiao Chen*, Jikuan Zhao, “Electrodeposition of nanomaterials templated from lyotropic liquid crystals”, Progress in Chemistry, 2005, 17, 384-388. (in Chinese)
(60) Wenchang Zhuang, Xiao Chen*, Jikuan Zhao, Luyan Wang, Zhihong Li, “Small angle X-ray scattering studies on colloid dispersive systems and organized molecular assemblies”, Progress in Chemistry, 2005, 17, 881-888. (in Chinese)
(61) Luyan Wang, Xiao Chen,* Yongcun Chai, Jingcheng Hao, Zhenming Sui, Wenchang Zhuang, Zhenwen Sun, “Lyotropic liquid crystalline phases formed in ionic liquid”, Chem. Comm. 2004, 2840-2841.
(62) Luyan Wang, Xiao Chen*, Wenchang Zhuang, Jikuan Zhao, Zhenming Sui, Yongcun Chai, “Effects of doped polymers on the phase behaviors of lyotropic liquid crystals”, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2004, 62, 1007-1013. (in Chinese)
(63) Luyan Wang, Xiao Chen*, Jie Zhan, Zhenming Sui, Jikuan Zhao, Zhenwen Sun, “Controllable morphology formation of gold nano- and micro-plates in amphiphilic block copolymer crystalline phase”, Chemistry Letters, 2004, 33, 720-721.
(64) Jikuan Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Liying Jiao, Yongcun Chai, Luyan Wang, “Electrochemical deposition of lamellar platinum nanostructures from lyotropic liquid crystal template”, Scripta Mater. 2004, 51,593-598.
(65) Jikuan. Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Liying Jiao, Yongcun Chai, Guodong. Zhang, Jie Liu, “Template-directed electrodeposition of lamellar platinum nanostructures”, Chemistry Letters, 2004, 33, 842-843.
(66) Baolin Zhu, Xiao Chen*, Zhenming Sui, Limei Xu, Chunjie Yang, “In situ fabrication of ZnS semiconductor nanoparticles in layered organic/inorganic solid template”, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2004, 15, 97-100.
(67) Jikuan Zhao, Xiao Chen*, Zhenming Sui, Baolin Zhu, Limei Xu, Chunjie Yang, “Fabrication and assembling of nanomaterials templated by lyotropic liquid crystal”, Progress in Chemistry, 2003, 15, 451-455. (in Chinese)
(68) Baolin Zhu, Xiao Chen*, Limei Xu, Zhenming Sui, Jikuan Zhao, Jie Liu, “Nanostructured organic/inorganic materials prepared from layered solid template”, Chemistry Bulletin, 2003, 66, 19-26. (in Chinese)
As the 1st author or main contributor:
(69) Xiao Chen*, Shlomo Efrima, Oren Regev, Wei Wang, Lin Niu, Zenming Sui, Baolin Zhu, Xiaobin Yuan, Kongzhang Yang, “Doping silver nanoparticles in AOT lyotropic lamellar phases”, Science in China, B, 2001, 44, 492-499.
(70) Xiao Chen*, Shlomo Efrima, Oren Regev, Zhenming Sui, Kongzhang Yang, "Doping silver nanoparticles in AOT lyotropic lamellar phases", Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Elsevier Science, 2001, 132, 711-714.
(71) Xiao Chen*, Baolin Zhu, Wei Wang, Shlomo Efrima, Jie Liu, Kongzhang Yang, “In situ formation of semiconductor nanoparticles in the three-dimensional organic layered crystal”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 2001, 371, 139-142.
(72) Xiao Chen, Qingbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Qizhen Zhang, “Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films of liquid crystalline polymers”, Acta Chimica Sinica, 2000, 58, 731-736. (in Chinese).
(73) Xiao Chen, Qingbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Qizhen Zhang, "Characterization on the structure and ferro-electricity for the LB film of a chiral liquid crystalline polysiloxane”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 1999, 337, 397-400.
(74) Xiao Chen, Kongzhang Yang, Qingbin Xue, Qizhen Zhang, "Mesogenic structural effects on monolayer behaviors of the liquid crystalline polysiloxanes at the air/water interface", Thin Solid Films, 1998, 327-329, 145-149.
(75) Xiao Chen, Qingbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Yan Wang, Jingzhi Zhang, Qizhen Zhang, "Monolayer behaviors for the photochromic LC copolymers with azobenzene and cholesterol side groups", Supramolecular Science, 1998, 5, 591-593.
(76) Xiao Chen, Qingbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Yan Wang, Jingzhi Zhang, Qizhen Zhang, "Photochromic Langmuir-Blodgett film for a LC copolymer with azobenzene and cholesteriol side groups", Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 1997, 295, 93-96.
(77) Xiao Chen, Qingbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Qizhen Zhang, "Behavior of a chiral liquid crystalline polysiloxane at the air/water interface", Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 5658-5663.
(78) Xiao Chen, Qingbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Qizhen Zhang, "Studies on the aggregation behavior of a side-chain liquid crystalline polymer in Langmuir-Blodgett films", Thin Solid Films, 1996, 286, 232-236.
(79) Xiao Chen, Qingbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Qizhen Zhang, "Monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett films of a liquid crystalline polysiloxane with Schiff-base mesogenic unit in the side-chain", Langmuir, 1995, 11, 4082-4088.
(80) Xiao Chen, Lin Niu, Qinbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Qizhen Zhang, "Studies on the blocking effects for LB films of liquid crystalline polymers by cyclic voltammetry method", J. Shandong Univ., 1995, 30, 431-435. (in Chinese)
(81) Xiao Chen, Chao Wang, Ying Li, “Breakdown of iron passive film by Br- and Cl- ions in sulfuric acid”, J. Shandong Univ., 1994, 29, 326-331. (in Chinese)
(82) Xiao Chen, Shenhao Chen, Shengmin Cai, "Breakdown of the Passive Film on Iron by Cl- in Acidic Solution", Acta Phys. -Chimica. Sinica, 1988, 4, 382-386. (in Chinese)
(83) Wei Wang, Xiao Chen, Shlomo Efrima, "Fabrication of semiconductor nanoparticles in a three dimentional organic layered solid crystal", Chem. Mater., 1999, 11, 1883-1889.
(84) Wei Wang, Xiao Chen, Shlomo Efrima, "Silver Nanoparticles capped by long-chain unsaturated carboxylates", J. Phys. Chem. B 1999, 103, 7238-7246.
(85) Qinbin Xue, Xiao Chen, Kongzhang Yang, Qizhen Zhang, Weian Liang, "Study on the 2-D phase transition of chiral liquid crystals at the air/water interface", Langmuir, 1999, 15, 5164-5172.
(86) Qinbin Xue, Xiao Chen, Kongzhang Yang, Qizhen Zhang, "A novel ferro-electric side-chain LC polysiloxane and its monomer with low transition temperature at the air/water interface", Macromol. Chem. Phys., 1995, 196, 3243-3252.
(87) Qinbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Xiao Chen, Qizhen Zhang, "Direct observation of 2-D phase transition of chiral liquid crystal at the air/water interface by BAM", Thin Solid Films, 1999, 347, 263-271.
(88) Qinbin Xue, Kongzhang Yang, Xiao Chen, Qizhen Zhang, "Monolayer behavior and BAM observation of bi-phenyl liquid crystalline polysiloxane at the air/water interface", Supramolecular Science, 1998, 5, 587-589.
(89) Shenhao Chen, Shengmin Cai, Xiao Chen, Yaohua Dong, Tiangao Zhang, "Semiconductive properties and photoelectrochemistry of an iron oxide electrode -VII. Photo-response observed in initial pitting period of iron passive film in acidic medium", Electrochim. Acta, 1989, 34, 563-565.
(90) Shenhao Chen, Shengmin Cai, Xiao Chen, Dianlu Jiang, "The cathodic reduction current of passive film on iron in acidic solution", Electrochim. Acta, 1988, 33, 1073-1075.



  • 主持的科研项目:
    1. 国家自然科学基金:"基于离子液体的稀土发光有序分子聚集体的组装和性质研究", (21673129), 2017,1-2020,12

  • 2. 国家自然科学基金:“不对称结构两亲分子有序聚集体的构筑与功能研究研究”, (21373127), 2014,1-2017,12.
    3. 国家自然科学基金:“非共价型双亲分子的构建及自组装行为的研究”, (20973104), 2010,1-2012,12.
    4. 国家自然科学基金:“手性溶致液晶构建及其模板作用的研究”,(20773080), 2008,1-2010,12.
    5. 国家自然科学基金:“离子液体中有序分子聚集体构建及模板作用的研究”,  (20573066), 2006,1-2008,12.
    6. 国家自然科学基金:“用仿生软物质模板构建新型纳米结构材料”, (20373035), 2004,1-2006,12.
    7. 国家自然科学基金:“三维纳米结构无机/有机杂合体的组装与功能化”,(20073025), 2001,1-2003,12.
    8. 山东省自然科学基金:“溶液中手性超分子聚集体的自组装研究”,   (ZR2009BM001), 2010,1-2012,12.
    9. 山东省自然科学基金:“新型溶致液晶模板构建及纳米材料组装的研究”,(Y2005B18), 2006,1-2008,12.
    10. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金:“溶液中稀土离子参与构筑的有序聚集体及其发光性能研究”, 2014,1-2016,12.
    11. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金:“特殊周期性纳米结构功能材料的软模板组装”, 2002,1-2004,12.
    12. 山东省自然科学基金:“三维晶体模板法制备半导体纳米粒子的研究”,    2001,1-2003,12.
    13. 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金:“特殊周期性纳米结构功能材料的制备与应用”, 2002,1-2004,12.
    14. 教育部“高等学校骨干教师资助计划”基金:“无机/有机杂合纳米功能材料的模板组装”,  2000,1-2002,12.
    15. 高等学校实验室访问学者基金:“在三维有机层状晶体中制备半导体纳米粒子”,   2000,1-2002,12.




  • 1.   Awarded the 1st Prize of the Natural ScienceAchievement by the Ministry of Education for the research project “ Construction,structure and properties of surfactant aggregates in solutions and interfacial assembilies”. (2012, in 3rd)

  • 2.  Awarded the 3rd Prize of the Natural Science Achievement by the Shandong Science Committee for the research project " Organized molecular films of LCPs " (2003, in 1st).

    3.  Awarded the 1st batch of backbone teacher of Ministry of Education (2000)

    4.  Awarded the Prize on excellent doctorial dissertation by Shandong Educational Committee (2000)

    5.  Awarded the 2nd Prize of the Advancement of Science and Technology by the Chinese Educational  Committee for the research project "Ordered Molecular Assembly" (1997, in 4th).

    6.  Awarded the 2nd Prize of the Advancement of Science and Technology by the Shandong Educational Committee for the research project" Novel Liquid Crystal" (1997, in 3rd).

    7.  Awarded the 3rd Prize of the Advancement of Science and Technology by the Shandong Science Committee for the research project "Novel Liquid Crystal " (1998, in 3rd).

    8.  Awarded the 3rd Prize of the Advancement of Science and Technology by the Shandong Science Committee for the research project "Pitting corrosion of iron" (1989, in 2nd).


  • 1. 陈晓, 赵继宽, 等, "一种高比表面层状铂纳米材料的制备方法", 中国发明专利, CN 1314837C, (2007年5月9日授权)






  • 2017年拟招收博士研究生1名(含硕博连读研究生),硕士研究生1名。培养的研究生适合从事高等学校与科研院所的教学与科研工作、大型企业的技术研发。





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