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发布时间:2015年10月09日 00:00    作者:    点击:[]

报告题目:New insights into the chemical role of support in heterogeneous catalysis

报告人:Prof. Dr. Feng Wang University College London 英国伦敦大学学院

报告人简介:Prof. Dr. Feng Wang obtained his Ph.D. degree in chemistry in 2012 as a joint degree between Peking University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, with a focus on kinetic Wulff construction of colloidal nanomaterials. Metals, metal oxides, rare earth materials, core@shell structures and heterostructures with different morphologies were studied and used for catalysis and solar energy utilization. After his Ph.D., he became an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow in the group of Professor Ferdi Schüth at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung in Germany, where he works on support-catalyst interface interactions. He is currently appointed as a Lecturer in Department of Chemical Engineering in University College London. His new lab will be focused the in situ study of catalytic active sites and their roles in syngas and biomass chemistry.


报告主持人:贾春江 教授



上一条:丁志峰教授学术报告:The grand avenue to electrochemistry 下一条:杨荣华教授学术报告:光学探针的设计及信号放大若干策略


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