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发布时间:2016年05月22日 00:00    作者:    点击:[]

Understanding HydrophobicInteractions at Solid/Water & Fluid/Water Interfaces and Probing InteractionMechanisms of Deformable Emulsion Droplets/Air Bubbles

HongboZeng (曾宏波)

Department of Chemical and MaterialsEngineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

E-mail: hongbo.zeng@ualberta.ca

摘要:Hydrophobiceffects play important roles in a wide range of natural phenomena andengineering processes such as coalescence of oil droplets in water, airflotation of mineral particles, folding and assembly of proteins andbiomembranes. The intermolecular and surface interactions atsolid/oil/water/bubble interfaces play critical roles in many industrialprocesses such as oil production. In this talk, Prof. Zeng will first introducethe basics of intermolecular and surface force measurements, highlight their experimentalattempts to reveal the physical origin of hydrophobic effects by directlyquantifying the hydrophobic interaction on both solid/water and fluid/waterinterfaces, and then report their recent progress in probing the interactionmechanisms of deformable W/O and O/W emulsion droplets and air bubbles usingstate-of-the-art nanomechanical techniques such as surface forces apparatus(SFA) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) coupled with bubble/drop probetechnique. Micropipette and in-house built 4-roll millfluidic device were applied to monitor the stability of both pipette-supportedand freely suspended emulsions in the presence of asphaltenes under quasi-staticand dynamic flow conditions, respectively. The interaction forces between O/W orW/O emulsion drops in the absence and presence of asphaltenes were directlymeasured using droplet probe AFM and analysed using a theoretical model basedon Reynolds lubrication theory and augmented Young-Laplace equation byincluding the effects of disjoining pressure. The results provide new insightsinto the fundamental understanding of hydrophobic interactions and interactionmechanisms of deformable emulsion droplets & air bubbles in complex fluids.

简介:曾宏波为加拿大阿尔伯塔大学化学和材料工程系终身教授。分别获得清华大学工学学士和硕士学位,加州大学圣芭芭拉分校博士学位。2009年受聘为助理教授,2015年晋升终身正教授,2013年荣获加拿大Petro-Canada青年创新者奖,2016TheCanadian Journal of Chemical Engineering Lectureship Award.。并已在高水平SCI专业期刊发表学术论文120余篇,PNAS, Adv. Mater., ACS NanoNatureCommunications, Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., Advanced Functional Materials,Macromolecules, Langmuir, Journal of Physical Chemistry B & C,撰写和主编专著Polymer Adhesion, Friction andLubrication” (Wiley),有专利8项。近五年其论文被引用~2500次。目前研究方向主要包括胶体与界面科学、分子和纳米力学、高分子材料、纳米材料和生物智能材料、矿物工程和环境工程中的界面现象、油砂和石油工程的界面现象等。实验室具有相关领域最前沿的科研设备,部分仪器和实验方法为独立开发,能对复杂流体和材料体系中各种分子间和界面间作用力进行直接测量和分析。

邀请人: 苑世领教授


报告地点:化学与化工学院 新楼123房间

上一条:天津大学巩金龙教授学术报告:氢的多相催化合成与转化 下一条:杨荣华教授学术报告:光学探针设计及信号放大若干策略


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